Screen Shot 2018-11-27 at 8.10.31 PM - Alexandra Romero
Alex Romero

Alex Romero is a returning study abroad student who spent her Spring 2018 semester studying abroad at the Université de Rennes 2 in Rennes, France. She is a senior majoring in both Art History and French with a minor in Classical Civilizations.

IPC: Why did you choose to study abroad in Rennes?
AR: The French program at Rennes 2 allows the international students to study only French for an entire semester in the traditional French style of education. For me, I wanted to work on my language skills and learn how to write essays and formal papers in the French style. I also learned that we would get a language level certification from the program that is internationally recognized.

IPC: What was the most impactful lesson you learned while studying abroad?
AR: I definitely learned to be humble during my international experience. I make excellent grades at UNCG and just assumed that it would be that way in France, but the university expectations were so different. I had to learn quickly that I have to be humble about what I know and acknowledge what I don’t know.

IPC: What is your favorite memory of studying abroad?
AR: In Rennes I had a true “aha!” moment with language. I had this point in time where my understanding and comprehension of the language just clicked essentially. From that moment on, my listening skills were so much better, and that prompted me to be a more engaged student and to meet new people.